Multi-Lateral Peering Exchange

MYIX Operational BGP Communities

Operational BGP Communities enable the management of various route server functions, such as:
Controlling the redistribution of advertised prefixes based on an ASN.

Note: If the $PEER-AS is a four-byte AS number, you must use BGP Extended or Large Communities.

BGP Communities for 2-bytes $PEER-AS

ActionBGP Standard Community
55822:55822Announce the Prefix to Everyone
65500:55822Announce to None
55822:$PEER-ASAnnounce to $PEER-AS
65500:$PEER-ASDon’t announce to $PEER-AS
65110:$PEER-ASPrepend one time to $PEER-AS
65120:$PEER-ASPrepend two times to $PEER-AS
65130:$PEER-ASPrepend three times to $PEER-AS
65110:55822Prepend one time to Everyone
65120:55822Prepend two times to Everyone
65130:55822Prepend three times to Everyone


  1. Announce to everyone, Except AS12345; Do a BGP Tagging
    55822:55822 65500:12345
  2. Stop announce to everyone, Except AS12345; Do a BGP Tagging
    65500:55822 55822:12345
  3. Prepend one-time in AS-PATH for everyone in the PEERs
  4. Prepend two-time for everyone, But one-time for AS12345


Large BGP Communities for 4-bytes $PEER-AS

ActionLarge BGP Standard Community
55822:900:55822Announce the Prefix to Everyone
65500:901:55822Announce to None ( NO_EXPORT )
65500:902:55822Announce to None ( NO_ADVERTISE )
55822:0:$PEER-ASDon’t announce to $PEER-AS
55822:101:$PEER-ASPrepend one time to $PEER-AS
55822:102:$PEER-ASPrepend two times to $PEER-AS
55822:103:$PEER-ASPrepend three times to $PEER-AS
55822:101:55822Prepend one time to Everyone
55822:102:55822Prepend two times to Everyone
55822:103:55822Prepend three times to Everyone