Multi-Lateral Peering Exchange
MLPE automates peering for open networks through route servers. Participants can exchange routing information with multiple peers using only one BGP session.
This allows for the establishment of sessions, even without a bilateral peering agreement, with participating networks.
MyIX MLPE supports both IPV4 and IPV6-unicast routes. Our route servers are available free of charge to internet exchange participants. However, to ensure reliability, and protect MLPE participants, we require the following:
- To receive routes from MLPE, announce your peering routes
- Register announced routes in a public routing registry
- Peer with both MLPE route servers to enable a stable routing system
Registered users can manage their MLPE participation here. Email us at to participate in MLPE services.
MyIX MLPE route servers help participants control outbound announcement of their routes using BGP communities. If you have a 4-byte ASN, please email for the workaround solution.
BGP Communities
Action | BGP Standard Community |
55822:55822 | announce to everyone [ default ] |
65500:55822 | announce to none |
65500:12345 | don’t announce to AS12345 |
65502:12345 | don’t announce to AS134190 |
6511y:yyyyy | prepend one time |
6512y:yyyyy | prepend two time |
6513y:yyyyy | prepend three time |
Default Open (Announce to All) 55822:55822
Default Open Except AS12345 55822:55822 65500:12345
Default Open Except AS134190 55822:55822 65502:3118
Default Closed (Announce to None) 65500:55822
Default Closed (Announce to AS12345) 65500:55822 55822:12345
Include AS55822 in BGP path to all participants
Prepend 1x to AS12345 65110:55822
Prepend 2x to AS12345 65120:55822
Prepend 3x to AS12345 65130:55822
AS-PATH prepend for AS12345
2 Bytes ASN
Prepend 1x to AS12345 65110:12345
Prepend 2x to AS12345 65120:12345
Prepend 3x to AS12345 65130:12345
4 Bytes ASN
AS-PATH prepend for AS134190
Prepend 1x to AS134190 65112:3118
Prepend 2x to AS134190 65122:3118
Prepend 3x to AS134190 65132:3118